We exist to serve the mission of Grace Fellowship OPC by facilitating opportunities for women to grow in their faith and love for the Savior, to disciple one another, to offer hope to the lost, and to invite others into our fellowship.
We long to see gospel-driven, Spirit-filled women of all ages who love Christ using their God-given talents to serve His bride, the Church, and our neighbors.
The Women’s Ministry Team meets the third Tuesday of every month. An important part of each meeting is praying for the women of Grace Fellowship. Any woman who would like the team to pray for her is invited to join the team at 7PM. Or contact the team with a specific prayer need and they will pray for you.
Team Members:
Christy McGeehan, Madison Drew, Rachel Fields, Pam Himebook, Elsa Kraker, Katrina Schumaker
Contact the Women’s Ministry Team women@gracefellowshipopc.com
The Women’s Bible studies meet this winter January 22 through March 26, using Kathleen Nielson’s book, Colossians & Philemon: Continuing to Live in Him to guide the study. AM study (9:30-11), led by Tricia Leitch and PM study (7-8:30), led by Christy McGeehan, meets every Wednesday. The cost of the book is $10. Childcare is provided for both.
Inclement weather policy: If the Zeeland Schools have cancelled classes we will not meet. If schools are in session and it is decided we will not meet, you will receive an email of text notifying you of the decision.
Save the date! More info coming.
Dates: March 14 & 15, 2024
Speaker: Carol Kent
Topic: Unshakeable Faith in Unthinkable Circumstances
other resources
Pour Out Your Heart Prayer Journal Workshop