We exist to serve the mission of Grace Fellowship by facilitating opportunities for men to grow in their faith and love for the Savior, to disciple one another, to offer hope to those struggling, and to invite others into our fellowship.


Monthly Meetings

The Men’s Ministry Team invites all men to monthly meetings on the fourth Tuesday evening of each month.


Men’s bible Studies

From October through April our men meet for Bible study on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. Please contact walk@gracefellowshipopc.com for more information.


Wednesday Evening Bible Study

Evening Men's Bible Study will be starting Wednesday September 11th. We'll be looking to answer the question: "If God is in control, does it matter what leaders we choose?" through the study of the book of Judges. Questions can be directed to Chuck Vandervelde.

Saturday Morning Bible Study

This study meets at the church at 7AM every Saturday, studying the Life of Elijah. If you have any questions contact Doug Roossien at 616-437-0617 or droossien10@gmail.com.